Ella Laurent
Contributor to Voices

Ella is a junior at Cypress Bay High School in South Florida and has lived in the region for the entirety of her life, which creates an odd dilemma - the place she finds uninteresting/bothersome at this point, is also her source of comfort. She adores everything in the literary world but enjoys writing poetry and weird metaphorical descriptive pieces.
Poems are Ella's favorite genre to edit, as they can be interpreted in many ways and she enjoys attempting to piece together what the writer intended. At school, she takes classes in linguistic theory and writing more broadly but also enjoys other courses in the humanities. She was inspired by her school's own literary magazine yet was unable to commit to it due to meeting conflicts; moreover, this is why Polyphony Lit has such significance to her life due to the online/international format. She hopes to grow her writing style through exposure to various writers.
Ella is also a member of her school’s debate team, which expands how she views research and particular types of writing (including international relations theory, peer-reviewed journals, think tanks, and critical theory). She has a passion for politics and civic engagement and works to foster that same passion among her generation.