Julian Riccobon
Managing Director

Julian Riccobon (he/him) is a writer, editor, and artist of Italian/Panamanian descent, and the Managing Director of Polyphony Lit. His work has been published in Huizache: The Magazine of a New America, The Acentos Review, Flash Fiction Online, Rumble Fish Quarterly, Blue Marble Review, and F(r)iction Lit, among other places, and his favorite genres to write are contemporary fiction, magical realism, and historical fiction. He is currently drafting a magical realism novel about a bunch of loco neighbors who live together in a rowhouse in San Diego. You can check out his website here.
Julian hails from Pittsburgh, PA, where he graduated with the class of 2018 from PA Virtual Charter School. Although he joined Polyphony Lit as a First Reader late in his senior year, Julian was thrilled by Polyphony Lit’s editing community and decided to continue editing. In 2019, he volunteered as an Executive Editor and in 2020, he began working as a Teaching Assistant for Polyphony Lit's editorial training courses. Julian has experience working along every step of the editorial pipeline, and has performed extensive user-interface testing for Polyphony in Submittable. Now, he coordinates and oversees all of the editors on the staff.
Looking to connect?
Instagram: julianriccobon
LinkedIn: Julian Riccobon